Here are some more details about the Witcher 3’s New Game+ mode

Here are some more details about the Witcher 3’s New Game+ mode

After announcing New Game+ mode was the final free DLC pack for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt Red’s Marcin Momot spent some time listening to the crowd. In a recent forum post, he shared more details about how the game mode will work — like what will carry over to your next playthrough.

New Game+ Mode

Momot confirmed that in the New Game+ mode enemies will be stronger and scaled to meet the player’s new level and experience.

In addition, if you are above level 30 when you start New Game+ your current level and experience will carry over exactly as-is. If you are below level 30, the game will scale you up to that limit to compensate for the higher difficulty.

Once you start New Game+ you can select any difficulty you want, just as if you were starting the game fresh. You can also earn the Death March achievement — which is the highest difficulty.

What Will Carry Over?

Alongside your level — if you’re above 30 — and experience, all of your money, alchemy recipes and items will carry over. I would assume that also means your crafting recipes will carry over, as well.

Items that won’t carry over include:

  • Quest items
  • Books and letters
  • Gwent cards
  • Usable items
  • Trophies

Even more interesting is the fact that you’ll be given one free clearing potion at the start of New Game+. In case you don’t already know, this potion allows you to completely reset your skills so that you may experiment with a different build on your extra playthrough. Of course, you don’t have to use the potion if you don’t want to.


What do you think? Are you excited for New Game+?

I have to admit I’m a little upset the Gwent cards won’t carry over, but it makes sense. You’d be able to wreck everything and there wouldn’t be any challenge if you could carry everything over.


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