Playstation Plus Games [June 2015]: To Download or Not to Download

Playstation Plus Games [June 2015]: To Download or Not to Download

I’m going to start a monthly series where I briefly review each Playstation Plus game for the PS4 and PS Vita.

I don’t own a PS3, so I cannot comment on those games. If I happen to have experience with one of them I will disclose what I know, otherwise don’t expect to see them covered here.

I’d like to point out that my intention is not to attack anyone’s game preferences. If you like the free games Sony offers each month without question, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. I’m not trying to bash these games, instead just offering my unique take. I will describe each game in more detail for you so that you can make your own decision about them.

Every month I’ll give a resounding “aye” or “nay” for each game, and I’ll tally up the marks to give a final score for the month. This is purely my opinion, so you don’t have to agree. If you do happen to disagree, just comment or some shit because I’m always up for a discussion.

This is my site, so if you’re an asshole don’t expect to be in the limelight. That’s not the same as censoring everyone who disagrees with me. If you have a differing opinion, by all means share it. I’m strictly referring to trolls who like to spread vitriol and hate for no reason. If you further the discussion you’re comments are always welcome — whether you agree with my point of view or not.

Right, now that’s over with let’s get this shit on the road.

Playstation Plus Games for June, 2015

The Playstation Plus games for this month are:

  • Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
  • Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-a-Fide Edition (PS4)
  • Super Exploding Zoo (PS4/PS Vita)
  • Futuridium EP Deluxe (PS4/PS Vita)

To Download or Not to Download?

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Wondering what games are worth your bandwidth? Me personally, I have plenty of bandwidth available but I still have the stock 500GB HDD in my PS4 and I’m quickly running out of space. I like to know whether or not these games are worthy enough to take up my precious space.

Here’s what I think of this month’s games:

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes [YAY]

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a slimmed down version of Phantom Pain which is coming in November. Apparently, it was supposed to be included with that game but Kojima decided to split the two up.

It’s short and sweet. A lot of the missions are repetitive as they all take place on the same map. There’s plenty to do and the game is free. You really can’t beat that price.

Whether you’re a Metal Gear Solid fan or not, give this one a try.

Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-a-Fide Edition [YAY]

Skulls of the Shogun is surprisingly deep. This version comes with all the additional DLC that was released on other platforms. There’s not much to say about this one other than it’s pretty fun and has an interesting art style. Give it a shot.

There’s not much to say about this one other than it’s pretty fun and has an interesting art style. Give it a shot.

Super Exploding Zoo [NAY]

Super Exploding Zoo is a cutesy puzzler a la some games we were offered recently in PS Plus, namely Whoa Dave and Pix the Cat. Even if you didn’t like those titles you might find something to like here as the gameplay is different. It’s just not my cup of tea so I gave this one a resounding “nay”.

It’s just not my cup of tea so I gave this one a resounding “nay”.

Futuridium EP Deluxe [YAY]

Futuridium is actually a lot like Race the Sun when it comes to mechanics, and I have to admit I was hooked on that game. I play Race the Sun a hell of a lot more on my Vita, while I’m just fucking around between work sessions.It’s good to see something new yet slightly similar crop up. I’ll be spending a lot of time with this one.

It’s good to see something new yet slightly similar crop up. I’ll be spending a lot of time with this one, and yes Futuridium is just as addictive — if not more so.

Was It a Good Month?

Futuridium EP Deluxe


All told, it was a pretty good month. We have access to three solid games — it doesn’t get any more AAA than Metal Gear Solid — and the PS4 got four of them this month.

If all you own is a Vita, this month wasn’t as good as the last because there’s no Killzone: Mercenary on the list. Still, Futuridium and Super Exploding Zoo are ideal for on-the-go gameplay which is essentially what the Vita is designed for.

If you’d like to weigh in and share your opinion of this month’s games, go for it!


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