TV with backlight and without screen flickering with HDMI Sync Box

Quick fix for screen flickering with HDMI Sync Box and smart lights

I recently acquired some smart lights that mount behind my TV and connect to consoles and more. But when I first connected the lights to my PS5 I had a hell of a time playing games because of the screen flickering with HDMI Sync Box connected. It turns out, there’s a setting you need to change on your PS5 to make it more stable.

How to fix screen flickering with HDMI Sync Box

Here’s how I fixed the flickering (the lights now work perfectly and there are no more screen issues):

Navigate to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output > Video Transfer Rate

You may have to try the settings individually to see what works for your TV, but I set my Video Transfer Rate to “-1” and everything works great now.

As far as I know, this will work with pretty much all HDMI sync boxes from various brands. Every once in a while when the PS5 is first starting up the screen will go blank but it’s not in the middle of gameplay.


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