Tagged: Vulgamification

Control is fucking weird, and I love it

control game title

I only had the chance to play Control for a couple hours last night, but already I can’t wait to dive in and power through more of it. Admittedly, I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but having watched several previews and reviews it seems that’s par for the course with this game. I’m not saying the...


Here’s my take on Elder Scrolls Blades

elder scrolls blades loading screen

More recently, Bethesda opened up Elder Scrolls Blades for everyone. Before that, only a select few had limited access. I was one of those lucky few and have been playing for a few weeks early.

I quite enjoy the game and was certain it would be well received. Boy was I wrong. Now that it’s available the collective sentiment seems to be negative.


Disgaea 4 grinding

I’ve been slowly but surely grinding away at Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited. There’s a lot of content here and I don’t want to throw up a Vulgamification until I’ve powered through.


More Shit Dropping Soon

What the fuck is up bitches? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Real life caught up with me, as I was busy getting married, going on my honeymoon and settling into my new life. Don’t judge me. Anyway, it’s time to get back down to business. This week I picked up two awesome games for the Vita, a couple little...
